Monday, September 28, 2009

Be Part of the Team that Matters

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Gospel: Matthew 6: 25-34
Hymn "Eternal Father, Strong to Save"
Pastor Mike Aus
Podcast from Living Word Lutheran Church; Katy, TX
Date: 9/27/09
1. How do we prepare for the end of the world?
2. Do pets go to Heaven?
3. Japanese Saying: Dai Meaning: "Everything's going to turn
Jo out just fine."
4. How do we "become God's "non-anxious" presence in the world?"

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's All About You!

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Gospel: Mark 9:30-37
Hymn " His Eye is on the Sparrow"
Pastor Emmanuel Jackson
Poscast from Living Word Lutheran Church(ELCA); Katy, TX
Date: 9/20/09
1. When did you last have a God Moment?
2. Jesus shifts the paradigm when He says
"who ever receives a little child receives God"
3. Each individual bears the image of God.
4. "Thanks be to God for every member of Living Word Lutheran Church!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Become People of the Blessing!

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Gospel: Mark 8: 27-38
Hymn: "Lord, Speak to Us, that We May Speak"
Pastor Mike Aus
Podcast from Living Word Lutheran Church(ELCA); Katy, TX
Date: 9/13/09
1. Ask the Lord to show you what He sees in others.
2. See yourself as God sees you.
3. Watch for sacred moments and keep a journal of what you've seen.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

God is Not Silent

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Gospel: Mark 7: 24-37
Hymn; "Let All Things Now Living"
Pastor Mike Aus
Podcast from Living Word Lutheran Church(ELCA): Katy, TX
Date: 9/6/09
1. Nature is filled with things needed by man.
2. Lesson #1: God loves everybody (men, women, gentiles, Jews)
3. Lesson #2: God is at work everywhere & at all times.
4. "In Him, all things hold together!"