Monday, November 26, 2007

Particpatory Kingdom

Christ the King Sunday
Gospel:Luke 23:33-43
Pastor Mike Aus
Podcasts from Living Word Lutheran Church (ELCA), Katy, TX
Date: 11/25/07
Jesus is the King of all Kings; We are a royal priesthood.
How did Luther translate the Bible from Latin to German?
People are hungering for knowledge of God.
What you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven.
What you loose on earth will be loose in Heaven.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Joy of Heaven Now!

Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost
Gospel: Luke 21:5-19
Pastor Mike Aus
Podcasts from Living Word Lutheran Church (ELCA), Katy, TX
Date: 11-18-07

What is the difference between Joy and Happiness?
How can we experience the Joy of Heaven now?
Life on earth is the "bootcamp" that prepares us for Heaven.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

God Leads Us Through Our Fears!

Twenty - Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
Gospel: Luke 20:27-38
Pastor Mike Widner
Podcasts from Living Word Lutheran Church(ELCA),Katy, TX
Date: 11/11/07
What helps us to accept the inevitable changes in our lives?
God is a God of new beginnings!
Fear of change is real but God is there to lead us.
Heaven is a place where we become whole.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

World Enough and Time!

All Saint's Sunday
Gospel:Revalations 21:1-6a
Pastor Mike Aus
Podcasts from Living Word Lutheran Church (ELCA),Katy,TX
Date; 11/4/07
There's more going on here on earth than meets the eye.
Heaven is a reality and has the power to transform your life now.
Life is a roller coaster ride with glimpses of what is to come.
Why do we believe we never have enough time?
Why do we watch movies we love over and over when we know the ending?
This life is permeated with the glory of Heaven.