Kick Back, Relax and Enjoy!!
Eight Sunday after Pentecost
Gospel: John 6: 1-21
Hymn: "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less"
Pastor Emmanuel Jackson
Podcast from Living Word Lutheran Church(ELCA);Katy, TX
1. How the Lutheran movement began:
"Salvation by Grace Through Faith and Not of Works"
2. Jesus told the people (5,000 in all): John 6: 1-21
I Love You!
I Forgive You!
Dinner is Served!
Gospel: John 6: 1-21
Hymn: "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less"
Pastor Emmanuel Jackson
Podcast from Living Word Lutheran Church(ELCA);Katy, TX
1. How the Lutheran movement began:
"Salvation by Grace Through Faith and Not of Works"
2. Jesus told the people (5,000 in all): John 6: 1-21
I Love You!
I Forgive You!
Dinner is Served!
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