Sunday, June 24, 2007

What Is Our Role In the Ministry?

John The Baptist Sunday
Gospel: Like 1: 57-67 (68-80)
Living Word Lutheran Church (ELCA), Katy, TX
Pastor Mike Widner
Sermon Date: 6/24/07
Sound Quality: Very Good

Names are important to us; names have meaning.
John The Baptizer pointed the way to Jesus; he called people to baptism.
God prepares the way for Jesus birth throughout the Old Testament.
Our roles in the Ministry creates a ripple effect.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Guys and Jesus

Third Sunday After Pentecost
Gospel: Luke 7:36 - 8.3
Living Word Lutheran Church (ELCA), Katy, TX
Author: Pastor Mike Aus
Sound Quality; Good

God did not design Man to be violent.
Jesus taught us to resist evil through Peace, Love & Non-Violence.
Fathers should be the real man God meant you to be.
Fathers should bless the people around them.
Fathers should say "I love you" over and over to their
children and their wives.

Missionary's Message from Madagascar

Author: Pastor Hiderlie - Missionary to Madagascar
Date: 6/10/07 (6:00 P.M. Service)

We feel comfortable where we are in our life.
God calls us to the uncomfortable tasks.
We send ordinary people to foreign countries
Everyone is a missionary. We show love to others
for Jesus.

Telling Others About Jesus

Second Sunday After Pentecost
Gospel: Luke 7: 11-17
Living Word Lutheran (ELCA), Katy,TX
Author: Pastor Mike Aus
Date: 6/10/07
Sound Quality: Good

We are surrounded by people who do not know the story of Jesus.
We are missionaries of the Word for God.
The Bible is not Owner's Manual or the Rule Book for life.
We should always err on the side of grace.
Keep your eyes open for moments to bless others.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Thriving Christians in a Changing World

Holy Trinty Sunday
Gospel: John 16:12-15
Author Pastor Mike Aus
Date: 6/3/07
Sound Quality: Good

We are made in the image of God.
What is the real nature of God?
What is the Good News of Jesus?
What will the "mega churches" of the future look like?
Christians can influence the world by caring for people.

The Power Within

Day of Pentecost
Gospel: John 14: 8-17, 25-27
Author: Pastor Mike Widner
Date: 5/27/07
Sound Quality: Fair

Who am I?
Is God here with us?
Who guides us every day and empowers us to serve?

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Answering Your Faith Questions

Seventh Sunday of Easter - Gospel: John 17: 20-26
Living Word Lutheran Church(ELCA),Katy,TX
Author - Pastor Mike Aus
Date: 5/20/07
Sound Quality: Good

Do we have a guardian angel? Matthew 18:10

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not
your own doing. It is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8-9.