Title - Global Mission Festival Church - Living Word Lutheran in Katy, Texas (ELCA) Author - Francis Bok Date: 10/22/06 Quality: First 3 minutes has low volumn, balance good.
Title - Hope Church - Living Word Lutheran in Katy, Texas (ELCA) Author - Pastor Mike Widner Date: 12/10/06 Quality: Good
Redemption is certain! Only Christ can restore relationships Our world is not perfect Hope gives us power in our lives Be messengers of Hope in Christ!
Title - Still More Frequently Asked Questions Church - Living Word Lutheran in Katy, Texas (ELCA) Author - Pastor Mike Aus Date: 11/19/06 Quality: Good
How did they narrow the commandments down from 613 to 10?
Why does the thought of extraterrestial beings bug people?
Why did Jesus weep when He learned of Lazarus' death if He knew He could restore his life?
Title - The Joy of Giving Church - Living Word Lutheran in Katy, Texas (ELCA) Author - Pastor Mike WidnerSermon Date: 11/12/06 Quality: Good
Great joy comes from giving. God loves a cheerful giver. All that we have belongs to God. When we join together in giving, great things can be accomplished.