Sunday, April 02, 2006

How Does God Guide Us?

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Title - How Does God Guide Us?
Church - Living Word Lutheran in Katy, Texas (ELCA)
Author - Pastor Mike Aus
Citations -
Quality -Medium Quality, Some Background Noise and Clicks

Summary - The church's spiritual growth campaign for this season of Lent involves discussing the core beliefs and questions of Christianity in small groups. The fifth part of the series involves the question of God's guidance. Paul's story is one of going from the bad Saul to being good Paul. But is it so black and white? What was he like before his conversion? He was religious, zeaolous, passionate, smart and intelligent. How was he after? He stopped killing Christians, but otherwise he was fairly similar. God didn't make him a completely different person, he guided him in the right direction.

Pastor Mike discusses how doubt is a part of faith. Lots of prophets turned down and doubted that God could use them to do good. But these doubters were used to change the world. Too often, some churches give out the idea that if you don't believe 100% then you don't belong in church. But doubt is not that opposite faith, God can use these questions to propel you on the road to truth.

Church is not a place for people with a perfect theology and a perfect morality. It is a place for everyone, a giant come-as-you-are party for people with problems and issues. Bring them and we'll work them out together. God can use those problems and those issues to bring you closer to him.

Recently, a quantum physicist said that "The universe is not only stranger than we suppose, but stranger than we can suppose." So the message of the Bible might be this, "The world isn't more wonderful than we suppose, but more wonderful than we can suppose." The goodness of the good news is so good that it may be beyond comprehension, but it's worth trying.

Check out this article by UT Prof Robert Jeson that Pastor Mike references.


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